It is inevitable that you will acquire many items that you will want to use throughout the course of the game; however, many of these buy D2R ladder items will either be unavailable at the appropriate time or will be better suited for a different character class than the one that you are currently playing as. As a result, what are your specific options in this situation? Keeping them safe while you are playing is possible through the use of mules or character transfers. This is an example of irrational behavior: keeping everything you find in your character's inventory until he or she has exhausted all of his or her available resources would be completely unreasonable. In the event that you discover a holy object but do not have the necessary space to store it, what would be the ramifications of this discovery?
Because keeping D2R 2.4 Merc Guide in your stash means that if you die while carrying them, you will lose them for the rest of your life, this is a more serious problem for high-concept characters. Despite the fact that your possessions have been looted and your equipment has been saved, any items you have stored will be lost forever. If you have a paranoid or death-prone personality, you'll want to get your hands on something extremely powerful as soon as possible to calm your fears. Apart from that, you should avoid bringing along any spare equipment that you cannot afford to lose. It's also a bad idea to use too much of your best stuff on the same character at the same time, especially when it comes to things like Charms, which are useful to characters of all backgrounds and therefore appropriate for everyone. When you no longer require a charm, you can transfer it to another character in your party or mule it when you no longer require it.
A new account (which you will create in bulk for muling purposes later) must be active for at least 2 hours within the first 48 hours of being created; and an existing account (which you will delete later) must be active for at least 2 hours within the first 48 hours of being created. It is a good strategy to create an account, play the first mule for a short period of time, and then leave them unattended in a game or channel while you go about your business in order to ensure that you are on for an extended period of time. A number of players have reported that their newly created account was not played for a sufficient amount of time in the first two days after being inactive for a month or two. They then returned to it later to play some more, only to discover that their account had simply disappeared.
The first step is to place items of lesser importance on the ground, where they can later be picked up by your mule if you so desire. Middle-level charms, gems, starter equipment, and other such D2R Items Xbox One are examples of such items. Avoid spending too much time looking at the stats when you first pick up the items, especially if they were transferred to your character by mule, and instead focus on the task at hand. That means that whatever you were working on will be lost as a result of the failure of your connection, regardless of what caused it. As soon as you have completed your collection of items, make sure to save your work and then exit the application.
If you are playing in a public game, it is never a good idea to go it alone.
When it comes to muling, I strongly advise you to use mules that are at least one level higher in level than the one you are currently using before you start out. The presence of an unleveled character in a game that contains a large number of high-level characters, then leaving and returning with another character from the same account a minute or two later, raises suspicion in the minds of many players (including myself). It is recommended that you raise the level of your mule to approximately level 20 in order to be on the safe side. It is essential that your mule characters are created on a separate account from the accounts on which you are actually playing. Reduces the amount of noticeable transfer in a simple and straightforward way. Using characters from Classic Diablo 2 who aren't particularly useful in the expansion as mule characters in the expansion is another option to consider in the expansion.
Remember to be as creative as you possibly can when concealing your belongings, which is yet another important thing to keep in mind when concealing them. Avoid hiding buy D2R switch runes in the Blood Moor or the Rogue's Encampment during an Act 1 Starting game because they will be discovered. When it comes to concealing things, follow a logical procedure to ensure that they remain concealed. Keep your items hidden in Acts 2 and 3 in places where players don't normally congregate in order to avoid being discovered by other players while participating in an Act 1 Starting game in order to avoid being discovered by other players. In Act 3, a bar on the south side of town, and a bar just north of the town portal area in Act 2, are two examples of this type of setting. In Act 2, Atma can usually be found in the bar on the north side of town, where he works. Many people hide items in the corners of towns in Act 1 because their mules are only level 1 and can only travel to Act 1. This is because their mules can only travel to Act 1. This is due to the fact that their mules are only capable of traveling to Act 1. Because their mules can only travel to Act 1 of the play, they are limited in their travel options. This is due to the fact that their mules are only capable of traveling to Act 1, which is where they are currently stationed in. Because anyone else can do it as well, I try to avoid Act 1 as much as I can.
It is recommended that D2R ladder runes for sale should only be transferred between small groups of players when participating in public games. It is recommended that each item be transferred in groups of one, two, or no more than three items. To work with in the game, there was never a fully developed character setup to start from scratch. It is recommended that you do it with friends if you require a complete character setup at once and do not have the patience to wait.
In the event that you come across anyone who is following you away from the area where your items are being sought while you are attempting to recover your items, you should direct them away from the area where your PC D2R ladder items are being sought immediately. A player who is able to run and walk quickly will find that having fast run/walk boots is extremely beneficial (unless the player is a super-fast barbarian, in which case the player will benefit even more). It is also because of this limitation that only a limited number of items can be transferred at a time due to space limitations. You may have already removed all of your belongings from their original storage location and placed them somewhere else before the player has a chance to discover where they were stored.
Organize your belongings and devise a system for keeping track of them. You should avoid simply throwing 20 items into a pile because this will make it more difficult to sort through when the mules come to pick up the items. A perfect cut gem should be arranged in one pile, while gems that have been chipped should be arranged in another, and one of a kind armor and resistance charms should be arranged in a final pile. It can be extremely beneficial to work with small objects if you have access to small items such as charms, runes, and gemstones. When it comes to large items such as Uniques, the names are easily distinguishable from one another, which is especially important.