Measuring the (digital) employee Telemarketing List experience “In 2022, the demand for measuring the employee experience, and within it, inclusion and diversity, will increase. This can be about hard values (a pay gap analysis), but more often about the 'soft' side. By constantly keeping an operational finger on the pulse, you can measure the well-being of the employee on a weekly or monthly basis. Practical apps are now available for this. How does Telemarketing List the employee feel, now that they mainly work from home?
What about involvement, do you still feel Telemarketing List part of the team, now that you only meet colleagues virtually? For the selection of employees it is important to consider which factors are important to be successful and which data you need. Another important topic on the 2022 agenda is recruitment. Companies rely on data to Telemarketing List explore the market, to look for new talent. But although everyone recognizes the importance of good recruitment.
I don't see a change on a Telemarketing List lot of 'careers' pages. While the marketing department a/b tests everything and focuses on the best keywords, this rarely happens in recruitment. For the selection of employees it is important to consider which factors are important to be successful and which data you need. Only then can you make Telemarketing List a good prediction whether a new employee will still be working for you in a year's time and whether they will receive a positive assessment.